- HaitianNet
- May 20, 2019 (Added)
- 0 (Comments)
- 50
L'UNION SUITE is delighted to announce that the inspirational KAREN CIVIL will be kicking off the first talk in our SUCCESS DIARIES series on July 17th in Wynwood, Miami Florida. Karen Civil embodies everything SUCCESS DIARIES represents, from her fearless decision making to trying something new in the entertainment industry, to her resilient attitude, all which got her to where she is today!This talk will be centered on how Karen broke into the industry and how she overcame adversities to reach her goal of longevity in the entertainment industry. The event will include music from a live DJ, drinks, food by celebrity chef Alain of Sensory Delights, networking, and a meet and greet with a personally signed copy of Karen Civil “Be You & Live Civil Book” and more.Tickets at http://www.lunionsuite.com/success-diaries-karen-civil-july-17th/
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