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#HaitianNet Anniversary is tomorrow — Can you believe it? It’s almost been 6 years since we existed. SHOW SOME LOVE BY DOWNLOADING OUR MOBILE APP AND LET’S CONNECT #socialmedia #haiti #ayiti #connect ... View More
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#MissUniverse2017 - se #Cassandra #Chery k'ap repwezante #Ayiti ane sa. Pa bliye vote'l souple.https://www.missuniverse.com/contestant/1000240
Miss Universe Home
Official site of the Miss Universe Competition. Exclusive photos & videos of contestants & past Miss Universe winners. Get up-to-date Competition & Beauty Queen News.
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#HurricaneMatthew pa vin pou vin pou jwe. N’ap mande an gras pou’n fè anpil pridans. Si’w pa santi’w alèz kote’w ye a, kite plas la e chache yon kote k’ap pi mye pou ou. Anpil dega kòmanse fèt nan zòn... View More
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Gaz la tèt nèg #Ayiti e l'ap monte vers le ciel bleu jiska prezan, smdh
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